These Are The Days

These are the days that we will tell our kids about, the days we will all too soon refer to as “the good ol’ days”. The days where we will say remember when we would sit outside and have dinner and just talk about our day as fresh cut grass wafts through the air.

There are many reasons I love to cook. Am I great at it? Probably not. Do I know what I’m doing? Only sometimes. But my main reason stems from something much deeper. Food is what you gather around as a family, as friends, as acquaintances that will end up friends before the nights end. Food is what unites us. Therefore, that’s why I love to make it and entertain a crowd.  


Sometimes I love a challenge when it comes to recipes but the only challenge with this one was my baby who wanted held the whole time I was cooking. I thought it would be great to share my delicious chicken recipe with you. It’s healthy and easy. 


Lemon Chicken with Herbs

1 whole chicken

1 tsp fresh thyme

1 tsp fresh rosemary 

2 lemons (zest from one)  

3 tbsp butter

1 tbsp minced garlic

1 small red onion


Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  

Mix together the thyme, rosemary, garlic, zest and butter with a little salt. 

Put chicken in a roasting pan, cut up one lemon and stuff it in the cavity along with a couple onion wedges and a little bit of thyme and rosemary.

Brush the chicken with your butter mix, squeeze the other lemon over the chicken. Then just bake for an hour. 


Pair this with Sauvignon Blanc



Chic In A Rush

As you may know, I'm a pretty fast mover by nature but since having Theo I had to kick it up a notch. Usually caffeine induced but still. A lot of times due to a screaming baby who just wants held or spur of the moment plans I only have maybe 15 minutes to get ready and be out the door. So today I'm talking about five never-fail items to have in your closet so that you are prepared for these moments. 

Chambray All Day

Without headed out in the usual jeans, these paper bag (my favorite!!) chambray pants are so versatile and always pretty. 

Fun fact: I couldn't get my back shoe on here because of a hurt toe. Which is why I'm standing all kinds of crazy.

Fun fact: I couldn't get my back shoe on here because of a hurt toe. Which is why I'm standing all kinds of crazy.

A Good Pop

I have posted these shoes a million times because I love them so. For me, adding a blue, red, or occasional pink pop to an outfit can really make it. Even if it's all black on those kind of days. I can't tell you how many times a blue or red shoe toally saved my outfit.


Trail Blazer

Be it a dress, pants or skirt, throw on a good blazer and some accessories and you'll look like there was intent behind this look instead of the truth which was me running around like a chicken with my head cut off. 


Hopefully this helps the next time you find yourself needing to look good in a pinch! 

May your Tuesday be short and your coffee super strong. 


Your Close Up

Happy Friday Everyone!

MK and I have been behind the camera lense having owned our photography company for nine years. We have seen a lot of things...a lot of things. Most of which we can't talk about of course but one thing that we can indeed talk about is how to look good in front of the camera. You may have heard some of these before but they are no fail. Here are a few tips for your next photo with friends, OOTD, or if you see us headed toward you at a wedding. 


1. Sometimes in photos it's hard not to smile big. This is a hard one for me cause I'm a cheeser. But when you do this you usually have squinty eyes in photos. If you put the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you'll avoid the squint and have just the right smile.  

2. The right angle and side. Everyone has their "best side". When you know which one that is, angle a little up or a tad down in a photo. It will eliminate shadows and also help with the dreaded double chin.

3. Do the twist. This is my favorite. Being a former dancer I'm pretty comfortable in 5th position but it helps with posture. Stand in a 5th (ish) position, put your hand on your hip, and twist to the camera.

4.  Criss cross. Another favorite is to cross your ankles in a photo. It always slims you out. If you have pockets here use them!

5.  Don’t be too stiff. When we shoot weddings we always make sure not to pose anyone too much because no one is going to like a photo where everyone looks uncomfortable. Relax. The photo will always be better that way.

It’s Martini time! This recipe is my new favorite. It’s so refreshing and perfect for summer. Put your vodka, Triple sec,  lime juice, and a couple drops of Strawberry Watermelon water enhancer in a shaker over ice. Then strain into a martini glass and top with Sprite. Garnish with lime. Cheers!


Have the best weekend! I hope it’s full of good food, even better outfits, and delicious drinks! 
