Bedroom Bliss

Hello and Happy Monday!


I once did a Martini Moment called "Cozy & Chic" and it was all about things you can do to make your bed even more comfortable. In this Fast Fash Home Hack I'm talking about your bedroom in general. It's no secret I absolutely love my bedroom and would do anything to make it even more comfortable. And actually when we toured our house it made me say “where do I sign?”.



Now with a babies, they inevitably come with more....things. So my first tip is to keep your bedside table as clear as possible and only keep what’s needed there. At one point in my new motherhood I looked over to see just what I had sitting there. Bottles, burp cloth, Owlet station (SIDS monitor), baby monitor, not to mention my things: phone, jewelry catcher, magazines, notebook. Needless to say some major decluttering needed done. Once it was cleaned off and places were designated for things it made all the difference! It also helped my head feel less cluttered too. But wine is essential right?


Maybe it's us being photographers but we are all about lighting. We have Phillip Hue Lightbulbs (buy them on Amazon, at Home Depot, or Target) and you can completely control the warm or coolness, bright or dim. We have them all over the house and I can tell you they are totally worth the investment. Also speaking of lighting make sure you can block it out (if you want that is). I like to know what’s happening outside so I often keep mine open.

Have a nook

For a housewarming gift, MK got me a beautiful chaise and thats where I read or drink my morning coffee or have a much needed cocktail at the end of the day. It helps to have somewhere other than bed to make the room even more cozy.  

Sending you so many good vibes this week!
