
What's Old Is New

Cheers to Friday everyone! We made it!

At the end of this hard yet wonderful week, Mamma needs a drink! I have a whole new appreciation for stay at home Moms. I wouldn't give it up for the world but holy cow. Hats off to you who tend to the kids all day. When my Apple Watch says I've taken 15,000 steps I believe it because by 8pm I'm a total zombie that probably has baby puke on her. But that's totally okay with me. 

Nothing is better than celebrating Friday than with a new delicious drink recipe! One thing that MK and I love to do is sit in our bar and make different kinds of drinks. He's a total Bourban Buff so he asked me to find a drink to make with Rye Whiskey. I happily obliged since when we went on our whiskey trip last March I really liked Rye. Now that whiskey has become "trendy" again this drink is anything but old news. We made Rye Old Fashioneds and talked the night away. 


Rye Old Fashioned

(makes 2 drinks)

- 2 sugar cubes

- 10 dashes of bitters

- 4 orange peels

- 4 shots Rye whiskey

Drop sugar cubes into martini shaker, add bitters and muddle until almost dissolved. Add ice, two orange peels and whiskey and stir. Strain into glasses and garnish with leftover orange peels. 

We hope you like this recipe as much as we did! Have a wonderful weekend!


The Happiest New Year

Happy New Year!!

I basically flipped out when I realized that January 1st, 2018 was on a MONDAY! You may not know this about me but I have always loved Monday's and when the year starts on one it's the most perfect way for a fresh start!

So talking fresh starts and now that I'm back and blogging, let me share with you what I'll have going on. Fashion and food of course, and I'm really excited to bring back my Martini Moment but it's coming back with a twist...see what I did there? Since the arrival of Baby K this will be my one mom post a week. Friday's will be "Mom's Martini Moment". Because what new Mom (or any Mom) doesn't deserve a drink at the end of the week? 

I always like to reflect on the year that has passed and I'll tell you it was one like I've never experienced. What went from a year that was planned to be full of travel (Venice, Iceland etc.) turned into one full of sleeping, eating, and in the end, delivering a baby. I couldn't be more happy or feel more blessed. But this new land of motherhood has me in a different frame of mind more than ever before. I always have resolutions. I feel like it isn't New Years without them.

Here are my very simple goals for 2018:

More reasons to celebrate. Like new shoes or simply because it's Tuesday and it's a great day to be alive.

More shoes (sorry MK) 

Allow time to appreciate the little things. Like more than four consecutive hours of sleep.   

Further cultivate my love of fashion. 

More. Organization. 

Run more often.  

Be a good Mom, raise a good human.  

Date nights.  

Champagne Sunday's. 

More dog walks.  

Make more time to read. 


Thanks for stopping by! Cheers to you and a new year! Let's do this 2018! 


Party Like Gatsby

First, Mike and I would like to thank our closest family and friends for joining in on the celebration of Baby Boy Kilgore. From Texas to Florida we had guests from all over. We are so lucky and blessed to have all of you in our lives.


When MK and I planned this "Baby Shower" we knew exactly what we wanted and that didn't include Baby Bingo or a three hour gift opening. We also felt strongly that the amazing men in our lives needed to be included as well. So we decided on a fun Gatsby theme and made it a fun Friday date night for everyone. 


It was the perfect way to celebrate a new baby with great friends, food, and drinks (for everyone but me of course.) 

Thank you again to all of you who came! We love you!
