Let’s Do This, 2023!

Happy 2023 my dear Friends!

I don’t know about you but I for one am pretty thrilled (as I always am) to welcome a new year. We always hit the ground running in January as we start our seemingly never ending “busy season” with the photo biz. But, I still try to, as I fondly call it “get my creative out” and still blog while working some crazy hours in this fabulous first month.

I do this post every year as kind of an outline of what my hopes are for The Fast Fashionista in the coming year. I thought long and hard about it and then it came to me. Stop overthinking it (my specialty). My fashion and lifestyle part of Fast Fash is simply going to be fast and easy ways to add just a little glam, sparkle, and …fizz to your everyday life. No matter what that looks like. Simple ways to elevate life.

The Perfectly Plated part of my blog is something I enjoy deeply. Few things I love more than drinking wine in my kitchen and cooking. Sharing that with you is always such a bonus. I love fancy food made easy and would love to continue to do that with my French loving flair drizzled in.

Oh, cocktails…

Such an early love of mine. I started bartending at age 18 I immediately fell in love with mixing drinks. “My Martini Moment” has taken on many different shapes in the close to nine years I’ve had this blog. I love creating and making cocktails, even more, sharing them. This is a skill I’m always trying to get better at.

As always, thank you for being here, wether you’re new to this site, a loyal follower, or tune in every now and again. Thank you, thank you, and thank you! I often get asked why I don’t monetize this blog. The simple answer? I don’t want to. All I want is to share my creative vibes with you. That’s enough for me.

My wish for you is that this new year brings you endless happiness, nothing but delicious food, and dazzling drinks with only the very best company.

Cheers to you and yours!